Monday 6 September 2010

Importance of sabbatical

One of the seven ceiling frescoes painted by B...Image via Wikipedia
As you saw, I stopped blogging for 2 months. It was not intentional, but it was natural. I actually stoped doing anything. Went for a vacation in the beginning of July and just stayed there (with a brief one day trip to London, where I bought my Ipad and loaded it with Kindle books :). And it felt good. I'm recharged and ready to do new things. During my prolonged vacation I managed to read a lot, and more importantly started a few new things.

In fact I took an unplanned sabbatical. Etymologically, according to Wikipedia, sabbatical comes from from Latin sabbaticus, from Greek sabbatikos, from Hebrew shabbat. Interestingly in all languages it means ceasing. And that what I did. I simply stopped.

Somewhere between a reading in the shade and evening BBQ I remembered TED lecture by Stefan Sagmaister. Check it out:

I consider myself fortunate to be able to do that. I did that once 9 years ago and now I did it again. I strongly encourage everyone if they can to do it. It's simply something we all need.

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Unknown said...

I'm curious, did you totally get off the grid? Like no email, texting, tweeting, etc?

Ales Spetic said...

Nope, just been totally pasive. With my IPAD:)